“The Triple Play” – Tax Incentives for Energy Efficient AEC Projects


Don’t leave money on the table.  Learn how you can put money back into your business through specialty tax incentives such as the R&D Tax Credit, 45L Tax Credit and the 179D Deduction.

Learning Objectives

  • Qualifications and eligible properties of the Energy Efficient Commercial Building Deduction – IRC Sec 179D. 
  • Qualifications, eligible properties, and legislative updates of the Energy Efficient Home Credit – IRC Section 45L.
  • Identify target-rich environments for Research & Development activities utilizing the 4-part test and basic exclusions.
  • Understand information on composite case studies for each tax incentive.

Sponsored By:

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BRAYN is a niche consulting firm that guides businesses to greater value through tax credits and incentives.  BRAYN Consulting LLC is not a CPA firm, finance, tax, law, or engineering firm, and nothing contained herein can be construed as legal, financial, accounting, tax, or engineering advice.  IRS Circular 230 Disclosure – To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS, we inform you that any U.S. tax advice contained in this communication (including any attachments) is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding tax-related penalties under the Internal Revenue Code, or (ii) promoting, marketing, or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein.

Website: http://www.brayn.com/


Jun 08 2021


2:00 pm


  • Brady Bryan
    Brady Bryan
    CEO, BRAYN Consulting LLC

    As BRAYN’s founder and CEO, Brady brings optimal value to mid- market clients through specialty tax incentives in a number of industries including architecture, engineering, construction, manufacturing, and software. A licensed attorney in California and Texas himself, Brady has assembled an all-star team of BRAYNiacs. This powerhouse team is composed of lawyers, engineers, and accountants hailing from Big-4 and other national consulting firms. Brady’s goal is to educate businesses and people on how to avail themselves to the little-known tax incentives that are designed for them. In this way he knows BRAYN can make a meaningful impact with real people.

  • Kevin Sullivan
    Kevin Sullivan
    PE, HERS Rater, Partner, BRAYN Consulting LLC

    Kevin is a rare combination of engineer and tax consultant. He is an award-winning expert on sustainable design and construction and licensed as a Professional Engineer in multiple states. As a Partner at BRAYN, he works with businesses and their CPAs to identify lucrative federal and state tax incentives.